Due to life changes affecting our committee and declining attendance,
our luncheon in November, 2009 was our last fund-raising event.
We wanted to let ALL our supporters know
how important they have been to the
National Area Women's Chapter of Ducks Unlimited.
Thanks to those who supported our
24th - and FINAL - Luncheon on November 7, 2009,
over $9,500 was raised at that event for Ducks Unlimited.
Our committee is very proud of the fact that we have raised
Thanks to those who supported our
24th - and FINAL - Luncheon on November 7, 2009,
over $9,500 was raised at that event for Ducks Unlimited.
Our committee is very proud of the fact that we have raised
over $300,000.00
since our first luncheon in 1986.
We wish you a safe and prosperous New Year 2010
We wish you a safe and prosperous New Year 2010
and hope to see you at other Ducks Unlimited events in the future.
To find a local event, go to
www.ducks.org and click on the "events" tab
To find a local event, go to
www.ducks.org and click on the "events" tab